Who Can I Speak With?

Connecting You to the Right Resources

Incidents of sexual and gender-based harassment and violence have a domino effect, affecting not only the people involved but their families, friends, and communities as well.

Mason provides the resources you need to deal with what has happened, as well as access to both state and national resources for further support.



Title IX Office

Thomas "Tom" Bluestein, J.D.
Assistant Vice President, Equity and Access Services, Title IX Coordinator
Office of Access, Compliance, and Community

Fairfax Campus
Aquia Building, Suite 373 
Phone: 703-993-8730

Deputy Title IX Coordinators

Deputy Title IX Coordinators are available to provide assistance with resources and the Title IX policy. Speaking with these individuals is not the same as submitting a report to the Title IX Coordinator.

Nena Rogers
Deputy Athletic Director, Student Services and Performance/SWA
George Mason Athletics
Fairfax Campus
West PE Module
Phone: 703-993-3372