Unresolved Accessibility Issues?
If you have concerns about your academic accommodations that are not solved by Disability Services, please contact the ADA Coordinator in the Office for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion:
Rachel Elliott
Interim ADA Coordinator
Office of Access, Compliance, and Community
MSN #2C2
Voice: (703) 993-8730
George Mason University maintains a separate, student-focused Disability Services department to provide students with equal access to university programs and activities.

Mason student Courtney Simmons has a condition that causes her to black out. But Zido (pronounced “zee-dough”), her service dog, senses Simmons’ heart issues, blood pressure changes and migraines, even before Simmons does. “I think Zido will continue to help Courtney be successful at Mason, as well as make her feel more comfortable with her disability,” says Naomi Martinez-Jones, of the Office of Disability Services.
Disability Services provides students with disabilities, including those with cognitive (e.g., learning, psychological, and closed head injury), sensory, mobility, and other physical impairments the assistance they need for a successful educational experience.
Accommodations may take many forms and generally apply to three categories:
- Teaching and learning
- Demonstrating knowledge
- Meeting academic requirements.
Disability Services collaborates with students with documented disabilities and with faculty to provide reasonable accommodations, auxiliary aids, and support services that are individualized and based on medical documentation, functional limitations, and a collaborative assessment of needs.
To learn more about student accommodations, go to the Office of Disability Services website or call 703-993-2474.